Project SAGE offers age-appropriate healthy-relationship programming that aligns with the Connecticut State Department of Education’s Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework’s Core Content Indicators for Healthy Relationships for students from pre-school through high school. All programs can be adapted to meet the needs of your school. All programs are free of charge.
Pre-school through 2nd grade – Early childhood education using stories and activities to explore empathy, identity, emotion regulation, communication, conflict management, and bystander intervention (“upstanding”). The focus is on teaching younger students the building blocks of healthy relationship skills and respectful interaction with others.
Late elementary through 8th grade – Discussions and activities addressing healthy relationships, boundaries, consent, online safety, teen dating violence, gender identity, and sexual orientation. Adapted for age-appropriate content. The focus is on providing pre-teens with tools to set healthy boundaries, understand the effects of social and cultural messages re: gender, body image, and respect, and build skills for creating positive peer connections in various relationships.
High school – Deepening the discussions and activities addressing healthy relationships, boundaries, consent, online safety, relationship violence, gender identity, and sexual orientation. The focus is on supporting age-appropriate development of healthy boundaries, respect, and relationship skills as students eventually prepare to transition from high school into the wider world of college, work, and beyond.
Parent and Teacher workshops – Skill-building for supporting healthy relationships in young people. Aligns with above curricula.
“Project SAGE has consistently, over time, responded to the needs of all the members of the North Canaan Elementary School community including teachers, staff, students and their families. The programs offered to our students are always informative and engaging. It has been my honor to work with the administration and staff of such a well-respected organization.”